Publication charges
Please, specify the price for publication with editorial staff.
Please, specify the price for publication with editorial staff.
1. All scientific articles submitted to the journal "Proceedings of the St. Petersburg State Transport University", are subject to mandatory review.
2. The reviewing process is directly in the journal.
3. Science editor sends the manuscript for review to an expert, having the closest to the article's subject of his scientific specialization.
4. Referee is an expert in the field of refereed materials, that has publications in this field in the last 3 years.
5. Reviews terms are 7 days.
6. The review highlights the following issues:
7. Reviewing stays anonymously.
8. If the review contains recommendations for improving and adaptation of the article, the editor board submits to the author the text guides by e-mail with a proposal to consider recommendations during the preparation of a new version of the article; or to dispose it for a reason. In the case of negative feedback the article can be submitted for re-reviewing by the other expert.
9. In case of declining to publish the article the editorial board submit to the author the substantiated refusal.
10. Following a decision on approving the article for publication the editorial board will inform the author, and indicates the period of publication.
11. Certified copies of the reviews are kept for 5 years in the editorial office of the journal.
12. Edition of the journal provides copies of the reviews upon request of Ministry of Education and Science.
File 1 – Scientific article manuscript as a MS Word file.
File 2 – First page of the manuscript, signed by author (coauthors).
File 3 – Scan of agreement for personal data processing, certified by the signature.
Agreement for personal data processing
File 4 – Authors details:
File 5 – Scan of expert finding for possibility of manuscript publication, available to the public, certified at the place of study or employment.
File 6 – Academic adviser referee report (for students, making a research, holders of the master degree or post-graduates and candidates for a degree in the event you publish without the sponsor(s) or supervisor in print).
File 7 – A license agreement on the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the work.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff electronically and in print form.
The length of the article – can be up to 8 pages, and no more than 12 pages, including metadata in English, when it is submitted in Word format file with font size 14 and single line spacing.
The first page should include UDC number, coauthors names (indicating the place of study or employment), article title, abstract and key words. Text of the article should include Introduction, section and Summary.
The manuscript should be submitted as a MS Word file, formulae should be typed in Equation editor, stand-alone symbols and formula's letters within the text of the article – in MS Word (not Equation editor).
Page layout – А4; each margin – 2,5 cm; first line – 1 cm. UDC: font size 14, left alignment; author (coauthors): font size 14, bold, left alignment; manuscript title: font size 14, capital letters, bold, left alignment; abstract and key words: font size 12, justify.
Abstract length should be 200-250 words. It should include the subject, topic, objective, method or methodology of work, results, field of results application, conclusions (font size 12, justify).
One of approved examples of abstract is a recapitulation of article structure, including the introduction, objectives and tasks, methods, results, and summary.
Descriptors - 5-15 words in the nominative case, singular, lower case letters (only the first word starting with a capital), comma-separated list. Phrases shall have two components: the main and dependent word, otherwise it impedes the automatic recognition (font size 12, justify).
Example: Non-destructive method, ultrasonic test, strength, concrete, reinforced concrete, non-ballast structure, track structure.
ATTENTION! References are listed as they are mentioned in the text. The list should include at least 15 links for regular articles, and up to 40 - for the review papers, not more than one third should be the references of its own works (font size 12, justify).
The figures, diagrams and tables should be monochrome, without any background colour. Each figure or table should be numerated and has title (font size 12, center alignment).
ATTENTION! All figures and formulae should not be presented in scan!
The images should be submitted in two: within the text of the article and as separate TIFF and JPEG files without compression. The file name should comply the figure caption. Scanning materials from albums, journals, booklets, newspapers and books results in drastic deterioration in image quality. Please, use Descreen option. For photo scanning use 300 dpi resolution. This is also applicable for the figures, diagrams and charts, developed in CorelDRAW or Illustrator. Please, put the images into the Word file using preview option, and enclose the originals with the manuscript.
Infographics, made using Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc), are acceptable within the document, but should be also enclosed as an original (as a file of the software, used for its creation).