Scientific peer-reviewed journal.
Is on the list of Higher Attestation Commission.
Issued 4 times per year.


"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 2, 2024, is published.
"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 2, 2024, is published.

"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 1, 2024, is published.
"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 1, 2024, is published.

"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 4, 2023, is published.
"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 4, 2023, is published.

"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 3, 2023, is published.
"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 3, 2023, is published.

"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 2, 2023, is published.
"Proceedings of Petersburg Transport University", issue 2, 2023, is published.

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